In the last two years, ever since the online education system came into effect, we have seen various aspects of this system. Online classrooms, classes being conducted virtually, virtual exams, e-libraries, e-books, online notebooks and digital notes and so on.
Every activity of educational institutions like schools, colleges, tuition and coaching centres could be done online in a way that was similar to the offline or traditional methods. Online education not only proved to be a solution for when the times were hard and resuming schools and colleges in the offline mode was practically not possible, but also it has emerged as the method and mode of education for the future. Even when schools and colleges resume in the offline mode and all the teachers and students are required to be present in class physically, online learning will be in use.
Online education has become the method that will stay for longer than believed by most people. This is because this method of teaching and learning has offered so many tools and features and given everyone more opportunities and more resources. More than anything, the online education system has offered much-needed flexibility to teachers and students. There are no restrictions and no boundaries to teaching or learning anymore. Classes are neither limited to being conducted at a fixed time nor are the teachers and students limited to being present in a specific place every day. Teachers and students also have the freedom to explore and research more, beyond the scope of their curriculum, syllabus and textbook.
One of the best tools for teaching and learning, introduced in the online education system is an online course. Conducted using an online courses app or website, this type of course has been beneficial for people from all walks of life and offered learning opportunities to people who have completed formal education but wish to know more and learn more. Online courses are either conducted in live classes or pre-recorded video-based classes. Of the two, video-based classes are much more popular due to various reasons. In this article, we will be discussing video-based online classes and their features.
Pre-recorded video-based online courses are conducted on multiple platforms. These courses are created by teachers, professors and professionals from various fields who wish to share their knowledge and experiences.
Artists, creators, yoga or fitness enthusiasts, graphic design experts and people from other such fields have also created courses in what they do best to help learners find the right guidance in the field.
There are so many benefits of this type of online course. The best part is that these courses can be created and sold from anywhere in the world and be subscribed to and attended by students from completely another part of the world. Imagine sitting in your room in New Delhi in India and completing a course from one of the world-renowned universities in the USA or the UK or from any other country of the world. This can allow students to gain skills and knowledge from different parts of the world and know more about the world outside their own country.
The next major aspect of this type of course is the flexibility offered. A pre-recorded video-based online course is not conducted at a fixed time. The course videos and study material are provided to the students and they can access the same at any time as per their convenience and complete the course at their pace. Such videos only have to be created once by the teachers and are then repeatedly used by various students from across the globe.
Video-based online courses can be attended using an online courses platform. Such platforms not only have the course videos but also have the study material and tests that can be attempted by the students. Contact details of the creator are also provided for the students to get in touch in case any additional help is needed.
Video-based courses platforms offer various tools that can help make the course more creative and engaging. Such platforms also offer AI chatbots for communicating with the course creator or for asking doubts.
Online courses are available for the widest range of subjects and topics and offer flexible learning schedules to all.