If you want to convert cryptocurrency into cash, one of the cheapest ways is to use a third party exchange like Juno. Juno’s exchange process is similar to that of other exchanges, but it allows you to cash out your crypto instantly. This is much better than waiting from one to five days for your money to arrive. Juno also lets you withdraw your crypto to multiple ATM locations around the world or into your bank account. In addition, it offers instant withdrawals via PayPal.
Another way to convert cryptocurrency into cash is to use a centralized exchange such as Bitcoin ATMs. These exchanges offer a fixed rate and are easy and secure. However, these centralized exchanges usually charge a transaction fee and business fees to convert crypto into cash.
Additionally, you must have a bank account to use these services.
If you’ve been collecting cryptocurrency, selling it is a popular way to get cash. There are many sites online where you can sell your cryptocurrency for cash. Leading exchanges like Coinbase and Gemini also offer this service. This method is the easiest way to convert crypto to cash. However, you need to know which exchange will offer you the best price.
A second way to convert crypto to cash is using peer-to-peer lending platforms. You can find peer-to-peer lending platforms such as LocalBitcoins. These platforms allow you to sell your cryptocurrency for cash by requesting a bank transfer or cash deposit.
Some of these sites even let you meet in person.