Bollywood is an Indian film industry that dates back to the early 1900s Seriescoldeweytechcrunch. It has largely become important for the creation of Bollywood blockbuster hits, such as Rani, Hrithik and the Shah Rukh Khan-starring Titanic. However, this doesn’t mean that all Bollywood movies have been made in India. Even though the country has produced some of its greatest actors, directors and scripts, it also produces a fair share of Western-style action and crime films. These are known as ‘filma’ (film or movie) – because they usually follow a set format such as a movie trailer or video ad. In this article, we will be exploring some of the most popular Bollywood film genres and how you can make your own unique filma! If your love for cinema is not one that you can inherit but instead come from a creative outlet like a family member or childhood friend then this article is for you! Do share your creative side in the comments section below!
Indian Cinematography
In this subgenre of Bollywood, you will find stories about love, travel and discovery. The main character will be a traveling film star, who is accompanied by a team of adored companions. These companions will include his family, his beau(e) and various models and assistants. In some cases, the leading couple will be an Indian actress/singer and an American actor/singer. In such cases, the lead will be traveling to a foreign country together with the lead pair’s family or friends.
Bollywood Special Effects
In this subgenre of Bollywood, you will find stories about love, travel and discovery. The main character will be a traveling Bollywood film star, who is accompanied by a team of adored companions. These companions will include his family, his beau(e) and various models and assistants. Special effects in Bollywood are nothing but the work of either the director or an credited partner on the production of the film. In some cases, the special effects team is made up of Indian people while in other cases, they are made up of foreign people.
Indian Musical Chairs
In this subgenre of Bollywood, you will find romantic comedies, action thrillers and action/adventure movies. The leads in these movies are Indian actors playing American or European characters. In some cases, the musical score in Bollywood is also heard in a major voice role. In such cases, the lead will be an Indian musician playing a western theme.
Bollywood Costumes and Hair
In this subgenre of Bollywood, you will find stories about love, travel and discovery. The main characters in these movies are Indian actors playing American or European characters. In some cases, the costumes in Bollywood are inspired by Indian designers or made of fabric from that country. In other cases, the costumes in Bollywood are made of fabrics from other countries.
Bollywood Soundtracks
In this subgenre of Bollywood, you will find stories about love, travel and discovery. The main characters in these movies are Indian actors playing American or European characters. The soundtrack for these movies usually consists of Indian music and/or Indian/world instruments.
In this article, we will be discussing some of the most popular Bollywood film genres and how you can make your own unique filma! If your love for cinema is not one that you can inherit but instead come from a creative outlet like a family member or childhood friend then this article is for you! Do share your creative side in the comments section below!