Children are full of energy, and their playfulness is charming. However, sometimes ceaseless activity, impulsiveness, and inability to sit still may signal a medical condition. Attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD, is a neurodevelopmental disorder that affects about 8.4% of children. About 2.5% of adults also live with ADHD. If you are concerned about your child’s seemingly endless energy or impetuous and careless behavior, you may need to pay closer attention and learn more.
Learn More About ADHD
Experts do not know exactly what causes ADHD, although they have ruled out direct causes to be household chaos, too much sugar, high sensory stimulation from modern media such as television, and poverty. Experts agree that while such conditions can exacerbate symptoms, the roots of ADHD lie elsewhere.
Because ADHD is related to how a person’s brain develops, experts currently suggest sources of ADHD may include:
- Genetic factors
- Exposure to lead at a young age
- Alcohol use and smoking during pregnancy
- Premature birth
Scientists continue to study possible origins of ADHD.
A medical specialist should see and diagnose children, as ADHD can be a debilitating condition. Once a diagnosis is received, though, in connection with a doctor, symptoms can be mitigated. Fairly well-known medications may offset some of the cognitive and physical symptoms of ADHD. There are also over the counter meds for ADHD child designed to help manage symptoms.
Know how ADHD Affects Your Child
The condition of ADHD is usually placed in one of three categories, which are:
- Hyperactive/impulsive
- Inattentive
- Combined type
Children with concentrated hyperactivity and impulsiveness may have trouble waiting in line. They may tape their hands or swing their feet or squirm, talk a great deal, and climb where they should not. They also might interrupt others, intrude, or use items without permission.
Those with lack of attention may have trouble managing time and work, and they might lose items they need for daily tasks. They might forget daily tasks and fail to pay attention to important details. They also may appear to be inattentive during conversations.
There are multiple options for ADHD treatment, including both medicinal and behavior therapies. Learn more about the options by doing research and reading ADHD medication reviews.
Anxiety and ADHD
Many children with ADHD also live with an anxiety disorder. Statistics show about 32.7%, or three out of 10 children, may have both ADHD and a coexisting anxiety disorder. Symptoms can overlap. This is especially the case if children are consistently scolded or punished for behaviors connected to ADHD. If disciplined rather than helped, they can develop high levels of stress and tension, which can lead to incapacitating anxiety.
While symptoms may be offset with natural anxiety relief for kids, you need to know what behaviors could point to anxiety. Signs of anxiety may include:
- Hair twirling
- Constant foot tapping or chair tipping
- Slow work habits due to perfectionism
To determine if your child lives with anxiety, first have a thorough psychoneurological evaluation performed, including an in-class evaluation.
If you suspect your child is struggling with ADHD, anxiety, or both, work with medical professionals to ensure your child gets help. Untreated conditions can have lasting detrimental effects. Start the process by talking to your family doctor.