Compared to ten years ago, when many were unsure what value blogging brought to a brand, almost all companies now have a website or a blog. When it comes to blogging, you are not alone. According to the statistics, over 1.7 million websites and more than 600 million blogs are on the internet. Everyone is in a frenzy to get people to know their brand. One major thing you will need to blog on the go and from anywhere in the world is an internet provider. If your mobile phone is paid off, your best bet would be the use of a sim-only contract. It has better deals and saves you money in hundreds of dollars. Below are five practical blogging tips for applying when using a mobile phone.
- Use voice to text: The Google voice-to-text tool is an intelligent tool that you can use when writing. There has been feedback that typing on a touch screen is complex, and many mistakes need correction. You can use voice to text to record everything you need and then edit to add anything else. Another option is using the Google Docs app to write down your document so that you can edit on the app and keep the formatting of your document with any device. In addition, you can edit your written tasks using the Grammarly tool on your mobile phone. All of these will help you produce a flawless document.
- Have a strong WIFI connection: When using a mobile phone to write content on your blog, you need to use a strong WIFI connection. This would help you avoid hiccups and mistakes in your blog-posting task. The best way to guarantee strong WIFI is to use a sim-only contract. You can use this on any phone and save loads of cash. You can then choose the best mobile network to help you accomplish your blogging goal anywhere you go. A strong WIFI connection helps you put down all your thoughts and minimizes the distraction from weak networks. Distractions minimize your efficiency. Be committed to choosing the best WIFI connection you require to be a blogging success.
- Keep your mobile device charged: It is vital to keep your mobile phones or iPads charged. One way to ensure you do this is by charging your device as soon as you get home and as soon as you get to work. Get the mobile accessories needed to have a phone charger specific for cars. Another option is to purchase a power bank and keep it charged. This would help you in the all-important goal of keeping your devices charged. Many unsuspecting people have lost opportunities for collaborations and partnerships because they could not be reached via mobile. Do not be that person who missed opportunities because of uncharged mobile devices—charge devices as needed.
- Update your data plan: Change your data plan to the most suitable one for meeting your needs. The art of blogging demands high internet usage. As your workload increases and your data needs change, adjust your plan. When you do podcasts and anything that has to do with audio or video, you use a lot more internet than you would with words and pictures. You can use Soundcloud and Audio Boom for sound, while YouTube, Quik, and Adobe Premiere Rush for videos. Inshot is an excellent video tool for mobile phones. For these services, find an internet plan that is strong, affordable, and meets your monthly, quarterly, or annual needs.
- Post through email: You can post your blog post via email. In the case of this choice, all you need to do is get the Gmail app. After writing your blog on the email app, post on your blog. Then go to the WordPress app, create subheadings, and add suitably sized pictures. This will give your blog exceptional aesthetics. You can add accessories such as Canva or Photoshop Express to help resize your pictures. You can also use writing apps like the Evernote app to plan your blog before writing so that the flow is seamless.
You are well on your way to blogging success. You have been equipped with all the tools you require to build a blogging career or even blog just for fun. Take advantage of every tip mentioned here, and you will do great. Sim-only contracts will give you the best options to save money and choose the best plan from the available variety. You will save time and money when you get the best options for your needs.